To support our young and emerging writers, we want to create a Creative Frenzy of writing prompts, craft books, and inspiration.

We’ll maintain all of our writing prompt posts here, as well as open-access teaching materials for poetry, creative writing, ekphrasis, sharks, and conservation.

In the future, we’ll also maintain our own published books here: books on writing craft, writing prompt journals, and writing goal planners—not to mention our recommendations of other craft books and essays on writing.

Writing Prompt: The Missing Piece

Writing Prompt: The Missing Piece

Happy Wednesday, writers and shark fans! I hope your week is everything you’ve hoped for. In the meantime, it’s Writing Prompt Wednesday! Every Wednesday going forward, we will share a writing prompt, as well as the Editor-in-Chief’s (EIC’s) response to the prompt and...

Writing Prompt: On a Personal Level

Writing Prompt: On a Personal Level

Happy Friday, writers and shark fans! I hope your week is everything you’ve hoped for. In the meantime, it’s Writing Prompt Friday! Every Friday, we will share a writing prompt, as well as the Editor-in-Chief’s (EIC’s) response to the prompt and some of her thoughts...

Writing Prompt: A Sleeping Octopus

Writing Prompt: A Sleeping Octopus

Happy Friday, writers and shark fans! Every Friday, LIT SHARK will share a writing prompt you can use to submit work, due the following Monday, for a creative feature on the site! Happy Writing! #writingprompt #writinginspiration #litshark #litpup #shivercollective #amwriting #submissions #submit #slushpile #literarymagazine #litmag