Learn How the Mind Works to Slow Down Time, Enjoy Life, and Make the Most Out of the Hours in Your Day with Jean Paul Zogby


Slow Down Time: The Power of Time Perception by Jean Paul Zogby looks at how we see and process time. As Einstein said “When you sit with a nice girl for two hours you think it’s only a minute, but when you sit on a hot stove for a minute you think it’s two hours. That’s relativity.”

Our culture, vocation, and family values all have an impact on time. When we are enjoying ourselves, time goes fast. If we are relaxed and even a little bored, time can slow right down. And we want to make the most of time so that we don’t get to the end of our lives too fast, yet live our most interesting and joyful lives possible! We can make every second count. This book explains how.

Why Time Is So Precious

The fact that time will eventually run out for has always been true. We have no choice but to spend 24 hours in every day.  Humans spend time making money but are reluctant to spend this earned money to enjoy time! Wasting time does not seem as bad as wasting money, even though time is something we can never get back.

In countries such as Italy, everyone enjoys a daily siesta. The day is not rushed, and time seems to go more slowly.

Our Sense of Time

Transport has been invented to shorten our travel time, and tech makes doing things faster. We need to work less in the west than we did 50 years ago. However, a lot of this free time is spent on working more rather than enjoying life! The harder we work for money the scarcer time seems and the more we rush through life the less happy we become.

Time is perceived differently in the East and West, between countries of the same culture, and even between different cities of the same culture. Religion plays a part in how we perceive time too with semitic religions such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam who believe that the Universe has a clear end and beginning – affecting how time is viewed.



Slow Down Time by Jean Paul ZogbyBecome Time-Rich with Your Own Copy

Slow Down Time: The Power of Time Perception

Written by Jean Paul Zogby

Independently published (November 21, 2022), 169 pages

ISBN-13: ‎979-8362756260


Life is not the number of days you live, but the number of days you remember!
Time is the most precious resource we have. Learn how to control it and make every second count.

The Timing of Amazing Athletes

To a highly focused athlete time may go in slow motion. I.e. to the observer a baseball may seem to whizz by whereas the athlete focuses on every detail intently, tunes out distractions, and concentrates. This enables them to see the ball as if time has slowed down.

Music and the Speed of Time

Listening to music can sometimes seem to stop time altogether. Music has been shown to raise our alertness and bring about faster thinking while we are listening to it. Faster thinking means that we experience time more slowly and it appears to go faster. Advertisers know this and you will often find slow songs being played in grocery stores and shopping outlets. Loud music draws in more attention and slows down time as well.

Living in the Moment

Time can be slowed down with mindfulness.

Practicing mindfulness means that you focus your attention on the here and now, which boosts your attention level so that time runs slowly. If you are having a good time and want to be in this moment longer—mindfulness is great!

Sometimes you want time to pass quickly. You are having fun when time flies and also time flies when you are having fun. If you feel you will be spending less time on a boring task it will go faster. Experimenters have told participants in a study that a boring task would take 20 minutes when in fact it only took 10. Students all said that time had flown!

The Speed of Thoughts

Some people are fast thinkers and seem to be able to absorb a lot of information quickly and learn fast. Others need information to be repeated in order to grasp the concept of what is being taught. The perceived speed of time depends on our speed of thought.

Whether you are an introvert or an extravert greatly affects your experience of time. While extroverts are not easily distracted and generally like a fast-paced environment, introverts have a richer internal world and can be more distracted by the world around them. Many people have a bit of introversion and extraversion. Time generally runs slower for those more pre-proposed to introversion as they have higher levels of mental arousal.

Whether you are time-rich or time-poor, this book will help you get the most out of the time you have.



Jean Paul ZogbyJEAN PAUL ZOGBY, author of The Power of Time Perception, is a writer, researcher, music composer, and real estate development expert.

His current passion is to help people understand why time speeds up as we grow older and how to make the most of it. With the last 6 years spent researching Time Perception in the fields of Neuroscience and Cognitive Psychology, he is passionate about sharing what science has to say about our experience of time and ways to make every second count.

A husband and father of two lovely daughters and a son, he resides in Dubai where he is the CEO for a multi-billion construction project.

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